Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's about time

Well a considerably longer period of time has elapsed since my last post than I had originally planned on -but life happens and we go on with it. Part of the reason for the delay is these... 8 week old lab/retreiver puppies. Yes there are really two of them - you are not seeing double. We planned on getting one but they were in the kennel on their own - they are sisters - and truly the Daddy and kidlets convinced me that we couldn't leave one behind - because how were "we" going to choose which one to take and which one to leave..... can you hear the discussion??... please tell me that i'm not the only softee out there!!

So long story short - we now have two puppies that , I have to say, are pretty well behaved and thankfully sleep through the night. The one on the left is Izzy and the right Bella. I am very thankful that we have a big backyard and that the kitchen has a door we can close and room for a gate between the kitchen and dining room!! While I have the day duty, I have to admit that the children and Jan have been great about helping out when they are home - and while two sounds like more work than one - they really do entertain each other - YEAHHHH!!!

And still I've found time to work on a couple of sewing projects. Tasha and her friend were perusing my fabric stash and came upon some valentine fabric. This made them think that matching purses was a good idea!! I meant to take a photo of both - but of course the friend left with her's before I had a chance to - so here's a pic of Tasha's plus some little cloth baby shoes I've been making. Aren't they the cutest things?

I've also been working on a baby quilt. I'm almost finished piecing it together and then will come the task of quilting it. I'm feeling pretty confident though. A site that I peruse often and whose blog I read regularly www.bluemeadowdesigns.com have been showcasing some of their phenomenal quilts and i've been getting some pattern ideas from their quilts - though I have no illusions that mine will look anywhere near as professional as theirs!!! LOL I know that i could just meander through the whole quilt top but I'd like something different as the quilt sashings are white and about 5" wide.... maybe a cool zig zag?? a big swirl through the squares... ahh the possibilities are endless!!!
Gotta to my friends - laundry and sewing call - vaccuming is to - but i'm ignoring that call!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hectic Week

Not that much to post these days. It's life as usual at our house - lots of swimming (3 meets and 3 practices in 1 week? YIKES), soccer practices and now we have basketball to fit in too.... ah the fun never ends! Next week we'll add an evening class for me - along with the above and it's on a night that Jan's not home.... you know you want to be here to experience this.... I know you do!!!!! LOL.

Nicholas' school had a talent show on Friday - very fun - and our little man was supposed to participate. He had this VERY funny "ventriloquist" comedy routine - even had a puppet named "Doodley"... a very cool looking dude. The children had to audition in front of their class and then the class voted on who should represent their class (only one act per class!!??). Nicholas was picked - over a dance routine and a vocal group. As it turns out though - he was asked to add a "message" to the end of his routine. He didn't think it fit in... didn't understand why when dance and vocal acts don't have "messages" why his should, so declined on the opportunity to perform. I guess they learn about creative expression early.

I've been busy working on some sewing projects - first my sewing area had to be re-organized - but now all has been put away and sorted and I look forward to sharing some projects with you soon.

All the best -