Monday, February 18, 2008

Too Long

I know it's been far too long between posts but life is busy - i'd share of the photos of works in progress but on the VERY off chance that there are people in my community who read this - I can't. You see I've been working on the costumes for our high school play - "Little Shop of Horrors" - and of course I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise!!

Puppies are getting SO big. Bella (who was the littlest one has doubled in size I'm sure!!). Don't you love how she's sitting in the flower box?! I have to say that this year I will not have to worry about the soil in the flower pots being properly aerated... the puppies are looking after this for me! Aren't we the lucky ones?

By the way I was out and about today and what did I come across by hyacinths in full bloom and a flowering cherry tree!!!! Now I have noticed many shoots coming up in our garden but nothing like those hyacinths. AAHHH spring is in the air - gotta love it!!
Talk with you soon.

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