Saturday, April 12, 2008

And the News We've ALL been Waiting For...

After a week full of anticipation - thinking we were going to here on Wednesday- then nothing. Website said we'd hear by Friday, April 11th at the latest ..... at 11:00 pm still nothing..... You know the suspense has been killing the girlie! At 6:30 this morning very loud screaming could be heard - SHE'S BEEN ACCEPTED. The girlie's dream come true. 2 years in the hoping and making. Of course now the Mummy and Daddy have to come to terms with essentially letting their girlie go off to college 2 years early - SIGH. But at least we know that this is her dream. She'll be getting the education she needs and be with kids that are just as passionate about learning and excelling as her.

We'll off to hug her again and share the good news with all that have been keeping her in their thoughts and prayers. Thank you all for your awesome support and belief in her.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Sun Comes Out

Finally after over a week of rain, mist and gloomy weather the sun has come out. We are SO thankful - it was getting very depressing. So have you been able to figure out what that top photo is .....???? Truly a sign of spring - a whole bunch of tiny, newborn.... bunnies!!!! Right here in out back yard.... now if only we can keep the puppies away from them! Aren't you also lovin' those cherry blossoms. It's always so delightful to watch that tree come to life in the early spring - it's truly beautiful. The tree across the street comes into bloom a few days before us - they must get more sun! - but that's okay 'cause we then get to watch both blossom - it even smells good.

Last weekend the family (or most of them anyways) were in the mood for an Indian dinner. So T. and I put together the following -

Oh so yummy Baked Samosas to the left and homemade naan on the right. Below is a bowl of Bombay Potatoes.... we also had some Thai Red Curry (for those who wanted a little meat!). Oh can't forget the lentil Dahl. Truly what our kids call "A FEAST". We had fun and it was an enjoyable way to spend a gloomy Sunday afternoon.

I will look for the recipes and attempt to link them (wish me luck).
I do want to share some beauty fabric that just came in the mail and some very cute little bibs and burp cloths that I've had some time to make but you will have to wait until i've been shown how to download the photos!
Well I do need to be off - it's an early release day (report cards and conferences) plus we had a two-hour delay this morning (yea you know the kids were loving only having to be at school 2 hours) - leaving very little time to get much done. Enjoy the day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring is Here!

OMG I cannot believe a whole month has gone by and I have posted NOTHING!!!! And to think how many T has posted in that same time period - very embarrassing. Anyway must share how absolutely glorious our spring is. I promise not to complain about how one day it's almost 80 and the next 40 - that's spring - and it lasts such a very short period of time here - so enjoy every moment of it we will. As you can see daffodils have bloomed, cherry trees are glorious, trees are budding, garden is looking renewed.... i've even found a few moments to weed and so it REALLY looks good.

Puppies are getting so big - i think they weigh in the neighbourhood of 32lbs. They frolic everywhere they go - they sound more like ponies than puppies. We had them spayed last week and were told that there should be no running, jumping or getting wet for 7 days!!!! I know I explained all this to the puppies - numerous times actually - but did they listen..... absolutely NOT. So here we were with puppies jumping all over each other THE VERY NEXT DAY!!! Then 2 days later wet puppies appear at the door... not once during the day but twice!! Jan has now placed boards over the pond but I know they've been trying to move them. OMG I do believe that it's like having toddlers.... again!

I'm really trying to post some photos - but some reason it is not working for me. Very frustrating where I know what i'm supposed to do and it just doesn't work. Well i'm posting anyhow because i'm so behind in doing it and then when one of my technically savvy children come home - we'll add photos. I must really remember to take more photos though. I've been sewing cute purses, pencil rolls - but keep forgetting to take photos....

Okay figured out what I was doing wrong!!! So I had promised to share some photos of some of the costumes from "Little Shop of Horrors". This is one of the Diva dress - there were 3 divas!! So there were three of these dresses made. The rest haven't been uploaded yet - but rest assured I will share. Thanks for indulging me!

I've been reading oodles of good books - which i'll post to my list. I'm currently reading Jodi Picoult's new book - Change of Heart - ahh I am looking forward to that discussion at book club! Death Row inmate's dying wish is to give his heart to the sister/daughter of the father and daughter he murdered eleven years ago!!! The story is told by a variety of characters in alternating chapters - of course each with their own twist. I'm loving it. I've also read her novel - Sister's Keeper - again each chapter is an alternating cast of characters telling the story. That was also an excellent book - the ending totally took me my surprise. Again a little controversial but definitely a great book.

Well i'm off to do some sewing - before going to lunch with a friend!! It's all alterations so not that much fun, but it does mean a little pocket money at the end of it, and I do have my eye on some very lovely fabric....