Monday, August 18, 2008

Stitcher Angel swap

Before posting about anything else I wanted to share this really cool photo that I took of our flowering cactus. This plant resides on our front porch - it gets a fair amount of sun - but it's protected. It used to live out in the garden - and never produced anything. A friend replanted it in a pot a couple of years ago and placed it on the porch to add a little decoration to it. Lo and behold - 2 years later the thing blooms!! Now for those who know me - a green thumb I do not have. My plants are lucky if I remember to water them - so this is huge!!! I'd love to take credit - but alas it truly had nothing to do with me and my meticulous attention to it. Just a lovely gift that made me smile every time I walked by it for a couple of weeks.
Okay now onto the reason for this post. I recently signed up to take part in the Stitcher's Angel Swap and have been eagerly anticipating its start. Well this morning i received my swap partner's info from Helen . The whole identity thing is a secret - we can identify ourselves only at the end. Of course we can leave little clues on our blogs.... hmmm that sounds like fun --- and all i'm saying is that mine doesn't live here in the US where we do!!!! Not even on the North American continent!! I'm wondering who got my name.... ??? Every week for the next 7 a new stitchery pattern will be made available from a number of different designers - our "responsibility" is to send a minimum of 3 to our swap partner. Of course we can send more!! I hope she likes what i make and send....

I can't wait to start receiving a little surprise in the mail over the next couple of months.... I promise I'll share! This is my first swap of this kind - I hope it all goes well.

On a totally different note - this was the weekend that we took Miss T to school. I think it's going to be okay!!! She got there first and got to pick her bed (very important to her!) and she's thrilled with her roommates (she's in a triple). There are 31 girls on her dorm - with a good mix of juniors and seniors. We were so thankful that the Student Life Instructor (Dorm Mom you could say) has been there some 20 years!!! YEAHHHH - she knows what to expect and how to support. I'm feeling better already! Today she gets her schedule and textbooks and her day is filled with more meetings. School actually starts tomorrow - yikes..... Already they're being told to expect 20-24 hours of homework a week!!! She'll do wonderfully well and we'll miss her but we'll be fine too!
Okay off to see what week 1 project will be for the swap - then school shopping for Special K and the little man - can't believe it - off to grades 8 & 6 - where it the time going :(
Enjoy your day.


alda said...

that's very exciting and we have so many possibilities to make so many beautiful projects.In the next time I want to visit all the blogs from the Angel swapers...maybe I would find somewhrere my buddy who want to suprice

Ulla said...

Hi, I'm another Stitcher's Angel on tour through the list.

SewAmy said...

hi there , I am a stitcher's angel too , but I don't have you. My partner lives in Germany. Happy stitching.