Lots of relaxing, soaking up the sun, a little beach time, a camp here and there, pool time, big indoor projects (why do we do these in the summer??? - oh that's right so that the mess stays outside and the gorgeousness is created inside!! - before & after on a later post) - and just plain hanging out with friends. And that my friends is what we've been up to.
For those that know our Special K and her personality you won't be surprised to know that she's been wanting to try out for the cheerleading squad. We gave in this year a
nd gave her the go ahead to try-out (it's all the drama that surrounds cheering that i'm not into - not cheering itself!! As if there isn't enough drama surrouning 8th grade...) Anyways - here is the photo capturing "THE phone call" from Coach. T. The coach later told me that she'd never heard such excitement from a girlie when told they'd made the squad as K's. "I'm a cheerleader" could be heard for days from that child's mouth - Yikes -
BTW - here's a photo of our puppies. They're 8 months old now and thankfully have calmed down some. The big labradoodle belongs to a friend. It was hilarious to watch the three of them interact. At first so much hesit
ation and after a day they were inseperable - so much so that when Commodore went home Izzy and Bella mopped around for a good couple of days. Craziness!!
Of course, our summer is never complete without three birthdays. Here are some of Nicki's with his friends.... I think we had 10 - 11 yo boys... thank goodness for the pool, g
ood weather and water balloons!!!
Until next time - take care.