Thursday, November 27, 2008

So Thankful For So Much

On this Thanksgiving Day I am so thankful for -

  • Funny, wonderful children;
  • A fabulous husband with a great sense of humour;
  • GREAT friends;
  • The opportunity to spend time with great friends and family;
  • Plenty of good food to cook with;
  • Piles of books to read;
  • Piles of fabric to play with;
  • the gift to sew and create;
  • the great blessings bestowed upon us... for all these things and more - I am truly thankful.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cool Critters

These three "Magoo" monkeys along with "Tweet & Hooty" and "Dudley" the dodo are what I have been spending the last month working on. Are they not the cutest softies EVER!!!?

They were created from Melly & Me patterns - a wonderful Australian line of patterns created by two sisters. Treasured Threads is one of their American distributor. Definitely a place to browse through. Shannon carries a variety of different lines - everything from quilt patterns that include gorgeous stitchery, fabulous softie patterns, oodles of books etc. etc.

This is where you can also go to get your hands on Australian Homespun magazine. WOW - love it!! glossy, variety of projects from quilting to stitchery, to softies. Lovely articles accompany the projects. Oh and beautiful photographs.

You may also want to add this Absent-Minded Santa to your Christmas craft list. I know I will be. He comes together quickly and it WAY CUTE. Sshh - don't you think he would make a great Christmas present!!??? I made him from a Natalie Ross In Stitches pattern - again Australian designer.
I also made a lovely purse - Ginger & Spice by Cinderberry Stitches. Unfortunately I don't have a photograph of the purse. If you have an opportunity to look through her patterns
and blog I know you'll enjoy the time spent.
Now until mid-November all my sewing is likely to be focused on the local high school play, though I really have to finish my projects for my stitching angel swap. My swap angel lives in Australia so I think i'm going to send one package - but i know how much fun it is to receive a little package here and there - so i'll see..... maybe i'll split it into two!!
Until next time my friends - enjoy the day and this absolutely stunning fall season.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Stitcher Angel swap

Before posting about anything else I wanted to share this really cool photo that I took of our flowering cactus. This plant resides on our front porch - it gets a fair amount of sun - but it's protected. It used to live out in the garden - and never produced anything. A friend replanted it in a pot a couple of years ago and placed it on the porch to add a little decoration to it. Lo and behold - 2 years later the thing blooms!! Now for those who know me - a green thumb I do not have. My plants are lucky if I remember to water them - so this is huge!!! I'd love to take credit - but alas it truly had nothing to do with me and my meticulous attention to it. Just a lovely gift that made me smile every time I walked by it for a couple of weeks.
Okay now onto the reason for this post. I recently signed up to take part in the Stitcher's Angel Swap and have been eagerly anticipating its start. Well this morning i received my swap partner's info from Helen . The whole identity thing is a secret - we can identify ourselves only at the end. Of course we can leave little clues on our blogs.... hmmm that sounds like fun --- and all i'm saying is that mine doesn't live here in the US where we do!!!! Not even on the North American continent!! I'm wondering who got my name.... ??? Every week for the next 7 a new stitchery pattern will be made available from a number of different designers - our "responsibility" is to send a minimum of 3 to our swap partner. Of course we can send more!! I hope she likes what i make and send....

I can't wait to start receiving a little surprise in the mail over the next couple of months.... I promise I'll share! This is my first swap of this kind - I hope it all goes well.

On a totally different note - this was the weekend that we took Miss T to school. I think it's going to be okay!!! She got there first and got to pick her bed (very important to her!) and she's thrilled with her roommates (she's in a triple). There are 31 girls on her dorm - with a good mix of juniors and seniors. We were so thankful that the Student Life Instructor (Dorm Mom you could say) has been there some 20 years!!! YEAHHHH - she knows what to expect and how to support. I'm feeling better already! Today she gets her schedule and textbooks and her day is filled with more meetings. School actually starts tomorrow - yikes..... Already they're being told to expect 20-24 hours of homework a week!!! She'll do wonderfully well and we'll miss her but we'll be fine too!
Okay off to see what week 1 project will be for the swap - then school shopping for Special K and the little man - can't believe it - off to grades 8 & 6 - where it the time going :(
Enjoy your day.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sssshhh.....Fabulous Giveaway

So here I am posting about a fabulous giveaway being done by Lila Tueller. I really don't want to post about it because that means more people will know about it, enter, and lessen the chances of my winning!!! But truthfully this is beautiful fabric that she created and should be shared by many.... and isn't that purse very cute?!!

I came across Lila's blog through Fat Quarter Shop and she has some lovely postings - cute patterns, gorgeous fabric line and some VERY cute little dresses that she created using onesies (free pattern). I have to admit to being a little jealous of all that creativity - but from her creativity I will be inspired and look forward to posting the results.

So go browse her blog - enter if you must - and most importantly enjoy the day and all the beauty it has to offer.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer Time

Lots of relaxing, soaking up the sun, a little beach time, a camp here and there, pool time, big indoor projects (why do we do these in the summer??? - oh that's right so that the mess stays outside and the gorgeousness is created inside!! - before & after on a later post) - and just plain hanging out with friends. And that my friends is what we've been up to.

For those that know our Special K and her personality you won't be surprised to know that she's been wanting to try out for the cheerleading squad. We gave in this year and gave her the go ahead to try-out (it's all the drama that surrounds cheering that i'm not into - not cheering itself!! As if there isn't enough drama surrouning 8th grade...) Anyways - here is the photo capturing "THE phone call" from Coach. T. The coach later told me that she'd never heard such excitement from a girlie when told they'd made the squad as K's. "I'm a cheerleader" could be heard for days from that child's mouth - Yikes -

BTW - here's a photo of our puppies. They're 8 months old now and thankfully have calmed down some. The big labradoodle belongs to a friend. It was hilarious to watch the three of them interact. At first so much hesitation and after a day they were inseperable - so much so that when Commodore went home Izzy and Bella mopped around for a good couple of days. Craziness!!

Of course, our summer is never complete without three birthdays. Here are some of Nicki's with his friends.... I think we had 10 - 11 yo boys... thank goodness for the pool, good weather and water balloons!!!

Until next time - take care.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May is Women's Clothing Month

.... And as such I am focusing on sewing for MYSELF!! Okay, I've promised the girls I'd do a little sewing for them too! and of course there are still some quilting blocks that I'm working on and couple of purses to make etc. etc. Especially with the end of the year coming up - a nice tote bag is usually appreciated (also quick and inexpensive to put together!).
The photos are of a couple of purses/totes that I have made for friends recently. Slowly but surely I'm remember to photograph projects as I complete them - before they go out the door!

I've posted a few new links to some of my favourite blogs. One of which is Yummy Goods - Melissa always has something fun to share - she has an amazing knack (no pun intended - you'll see why I'm saying this in a sec) in finding vintage knick knacks, fabric etc in thrift shops. I don't know about you but personally I have never been that lucky. She also has a line of gorgeous fabric coming out later this summer.... ahh such talent. As part of a contest that she's going to be running soon, in honour of her 200th post, linking her blog to our blog would be beneficial..... okay really not the only reason I'm adding her - she really is fun to read and she has oodles of talent. Enjoy!

I've also included a link to Crazy Mom Quilts as I'm participating in her Quilt-a-Long. "We're" on week 2 and I can proudly say that I have both blocks cut out.... not sewn together... but cut out - so half way there??? Wouldn't you agree!!??

Saturday, April 12, 2008

And the News We've ALL been Waiting For...

After a week full of anticipation - thinking we were going to here on Wednesday- then nothing. Website said we'd hear by Friday, April 11th at the latest ..... at 11:00 pm still nothing..... You know the suspense has been killing the girlie! At 6:30 this morning very loud screaming could be heard - SHE'S BEEN ACCEPTED. The girlie's dream come true. 2 years in the hoping and making. Of course now the Mummy and Daddy have to come to terms with essentially letting their girlie go off to college 2 years early - SIGH. But at least we know that this is her dream. She'll be getting the education she needs and be with kids that are just as passionate about learning and excelling as her.

We'll off to hug her again and share the good news with all that have been keeping her in their thoughts and prayers. Thank you all for your awesome support and belief in her.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Sun Comes Out

Finally after over a week of rain, mist and gloomy weather the sun has come out. We are SO thankful - it was getting very depressing. So have you been able to figure out what that top photo is .....???? Truly a sign of spring - a whole bunch of tiny, newborn.... bunnies!!!! Right here in out back yard.... now if only we can keep the puppies away from them! Aren't you also lovin' those cherry blossoms. It's always so delightful to watch that tree come to life in the early spring - it's truly beautiful. The tree across the street comes into bloom a few days before us - they must get more sun! - but that's okay 'cause we then get to watch both blossom - it even smells good.

Last weekend the family (or most of them anyways) were in the mood for an Indian dinner. So T. and I put together the following -

Oh so yummy Baked Samosas to the left and homemade naan on the right. Below is a bowl of Bombay Potatoes.... we also had some Thai Red Curry (for those who wanted a little meat!). Oh can't forget the lentil Dahl. Truly what our kids call "A FEAST". We had fun and it was an enjoyable way to spend a gloomy Sunday afternoon.

I will look for the recipes and attempt to link them (wish me luck).
I do want to share some beauty fabric that just came in the mail and some very cute little bibs and burp cloths that I've had some time to make but you will have to wait until i've been shown how to download the photos!
Well I do need to be off - it's an early release day (report cards and conferences) plus we had a two-hour delay this morning (yea you know the kids were loving only having to be at school 2 hours) - leaving very little time to get much done. Enjoy the day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring is Here!

OMG I cannot believe a whole month has gone by and I have posted NOTHING!!!! And to think how many T has posted in that same time period - very embarrassing. Anyway must share how absolutely glorious our spring is. I promise not to complain about how one day it's almost 80 and the next 40 - that's spring - and it lasts such a very short period of time here - so enjoy every moment of it we will. As you can see daffodils have bloomed, cherry trees are glorious, trees are budding, garden is looking renewed.... i've even found a few moments to weed and so it REALLY looks good.

Puppies are getting so big - i think they weigh in the neighbourhood of 32lbs. They frolic everywhere they go - they sound more like ponies than puppies. We had them spayed last week and were told that there should be no running, jumping or getting wet for 7 days!!!! I know I explained all this to the puppies - numerous times actually - but did they listen..... absolutely NOT. So here we were with puppies jumping all over each other THE VERY NEXT DAY!!! Then 2 days later wet puppies appear at the door... not once during the day but twice!! Jan has now placed boards over the pond but I know they've been trying to move them. OMG I do believe that it's like having toddlers.... again!

I'm really trying to post some photos - but some reason it is not working for me. Very frustrating where I know what i'm supposed to do and it just doesn't work. Well i'm posting anyhow because i'm so behind in doing it and then when one of my technically savvy children come home - we'll add photos. I must really remember to take more photos though. I've been sewing cute purses, pencil rolls - but keep forgetting to take photos....

Okay figured out what I was doing wrong!!! So I had promised to share some photos of some of the costumes from "Little Shop of Horrors". This is one of the Diva dress - there were 3 divas!! So there were three of these dresses made. The rest haven't been uploaded yet - but rest assured I will share. Thanks for indulging me!

I've been reading oodles of good books - which i'll post to my list. I'm currently reading Jodi Picoult's new book - Change of Heart - ahh I am looking forward to that discussion at book club! Death Row inmate's dying wish is to give his heart to the sister/daughter of the father and daughter he murdered eleven years ago!!! The story is told by a variety of characters in alternating chapters - of course each with their own twist. I'm loving it. I've also read her novel - Sister's Keeper - again each chapter is an alternating cast of characters telling the story. That was also an excellent book - the ending totally took me my surprise. Again a little controversial but definitely a great book.

Well i'm off to do some sewing - before going to lunch with a friend!! It's all alterations so not that much fun, but it does mean a little pocket money at the end of it, and I do have my eye on some very lovely fabric....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cool Book Contest

Every morning, along with my cup of coffee and after I've dropped children off at school (okay sometimes before), I sit down at the computer and Di's Book Blog is the first thing I open (maybe the 2nd as I do check email first!!). She's witty, irreverent, funny and makes me laugh with her musings on life and her book reviews. Of course I haven't agreed with all her reviews but that's okay - everyone's entitled to their opinion - i guess (LOL). On the flip side i've gleaned books on her site that I may not have otherwise come across taken a chance on - and for that - thank you Diane.

So anyways.... Di's Book Blog is holding a Oscarsschmoscars Book Contest. The giveaway is a copy of the new "My Soul to Keep" by Marianne Wells - even comes in a cool packaging. Go quickly - before Friday, Feb 29th and enter. Below is the link. While you're at it add her to your favourites - you won't regret it.

I wish you good luck - not too much though 'cause I really want to win too.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Too Long

I know it's been far too long between posts but life is busy - i'd share of the photos of works in progress but on the VERY off chance that there are people in my community who read this - I can't. You see I've been working on the costumes for our high school play - "Little Shop of Horrors" - and of course I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise!!

Puppies are getting SO big. Bella (who was the littlest one has doubled in size I'm sure!!). Don't you love how she's sitting in the flower box?! I have to say that this year I will not have to worry about the soil in the flower pots being properly aerated... the puppies are looking after this for me! Aren't we the lucky ones?

By the way I was out and about today and what did I come across by hyacinths in full bloom and a flowering cherry tree!!!! Now I have noticed many shoots coming up in our garden but nothing like those hyacinths. AAHHH spring is in the air - gotta love it!!
Talk with you soon.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's about time

Well a considerably longer period of time has elapsed since my last post than I had originally planned on -but life happens and we go on with it. Part of the reason for the delay is these... 8 week old lab/retreiver puppies. Yes there are really two of them - you are not seeing double. We planned on getting one but they were in the kennel on their own - they are sisters - and truly the Daddy and kidlets convinced me that we couldn't leave one behind - because how were "we" going to choose which one to take and which one to leave..... can you hear the discussion??... please tell me that i'm not the only softee out there!!

So long story short - we now have two puppies that , I have to say, are pretty well behaved and thankfully sleep through the night. The one on the left is Izzy and the right Bella. I am very thankful that we have a big backyard and that the kitchen has a door we can close and room for a gate between the kitchen and dining room!! While I have the day duty, I have to admit that the children and Jan have been great about helping out when they are home - and while two sounds like more work than one - they really do entertain each other - YEAHHHH!!!

And still I've found time to work on a couple of sewing projects. Tasha and her friend were perusing my fabric stash and came upon some valentine fabric. This made them think that matching purses was a good idea!! I meant to take a photo of both - but of course the friend left with her's before I had a chance to - so here's a pic of Tasha's plus some little cloth baby shoes I've been making. Aren't they the cutest things?

I've also been working on a baby quilt. I'm almost finished piecing it together and then will come the task of quilting it. I'm feeling pretty confident though. A site that I peruse often and whose blog I read regularly have been showcasing some of their phenomenal quilts and i've been getting some pattern ideas from their quilts - though I have no illusions that mine will look anywhere near as professional as theirs!!! LOL I know that i could just meander through the whole quilt top but I'd like something different as the quilt sashings are white and about 5" wide.... maybe a cool zig zag?? a big swirl through the squares... ahh the possibilities are endless!!!
Gotta to my friends - laundry and sewing call - vaccuming is to - but i'm ignoring that call!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hectic Week

Not that much to post these days. It's life as usual at our house - lots of swimming (3 meets and 3 practices in 1 week? YIKES), soccer practices and now we have basketball to fit in too.... ah the fun never ends! Next week we'll add an evening class for me - along with the above and it's on a night that Jan's not home.... you know you want to be here to experience this.... I know you do!!!!! LOL.

Nicholas' school had a talent show on Friday - very fun - and our little man was supposed to participate. He had this VERY funny "ventriloquist" comedy routine - even had a puppet named "Doodley"... a very cool looking dude. The children had to audition in front of their class and then the class voted on who should represent their class (only one act per class!!??). Nicholas was picked - over a dance routine and a vocal group. As it turns out though - he was asked to add a "message" to the end of his routine. He didn't think it fit in... didn't understand why when dance and vocal acts don't have "messages" why his should, so declined on the opportunity to perform. I guess they learn about creative expression early.

I've been busy working on some sewing projects - first my sewing area had to be re-organized - but now all has been put away and sorted and I look forward to sharing some projects with you soon.

All the best -